Sunday, October 26, 2014

868. Alice's Treats

Stylelist :
Hair : Alice Project - Sileny Bangs (5 colors) (Free, Halloween Massacre Special 10/26) (From 10/25-10/31, you can get a free hair everyday at Alice Project, VIP members will get one extra gift hair on selected days, the hair will be sold at 50L the day after, so it's free for one day only)
Headband : G Field - Halloween Bat Ribbon (part of 2012 Halloween Gift) (Free)
Dress : antielle. - Sakurajima "Pumpkin" Halloween Gift (GG)
Shoes : Essenz - Turin (Cream) (1L, Halloween Hunt @ The Burbs)

Hair : Alice Project - Summertime Sadness (5 colors) (Free, Halloween Massacre Special 10/25)
Headband : G Field - Cat Ears Headband (part of 2013 Halloween Gift) (Free)
Dress : G Field  - 2014 Halloween Gift Dress Set (Free)
Shoes : *Stars*Fashion* - Halloween Gift 2014 (comes with complete outfit) (Free)


  1. Replies
    1. Hi, Athena :-)
      Google help me translated yr line, thank you so much ! (if google is right, haha ;-p)
      Hugs & Kisses <333

      Cherie, xoxo
